El Dr. Moncada participated in” Curso para residentes-5 en cirugía Uro-Protésica” (Course for residents-5 in Uro-Prosthetic Surgery). The course took place at Hospital Gregorio
Dr. Moncada participated in the 4th Biennial Conference of South Asian society of Sexual Medicine where he gave several conferences about Cadaveric Penile Implant.
Bandol medication presentation. The first liquid Viagra allows you to better adjust the correct dose for each patient. Reportaje Bandol EL MUNDO Reportaje Bandol EL ECONOMISTA Reportaje Bandol LA
Last week Dr. Moncada participated at the Andrological Course organiced by Fundación Puigvert. There Dr. Moncada talked about Peyronie´s disease and sexual dysfunctions
Last Octover 10th, Dr. Moncada took part at the “Reunión multidisciplinar de Uro-Oncología” organized by Hospital Ruber Internacional. The meeting was about oncological urology.
Dr. Moncada travel this weekend to Bogotá where he took part at the “V cita con la sexología”. At the congress Dr. Moncada talked about dysmorphophobia and the obsession with penis size.